Friday, July 2, 2010

Mel Gibson is a Twat

Enough of Mel Gibson.

He's an extremist Catholic, rabid racist, Holocaust denying waste of skin.

His only good work was in Gallipoli, Mad Max and The Road Warrior (and his voice was over-dubbed in the American version).

He looks like a background player from a low budget zombie flick. I think your face came to look like the desert floor becasue outside always reflects inside, and you are very hateful and barren in there.

He should just go to his island, with his 55 kids and become Dr. Moreau.

Enough of Mel Gibson.

PS: It really must have sucked to work with a "Ni**er" on the 4 Lethal Weapon movies.

I have one parting wish for you, Mel. That, someday, circumstances allow you to be "gang raped by a bunch of Ni**ers." And when they are totally finished, that they hand you over to the Jews.

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