Friday, July 2, 2010

The Freakiest of Serial Killers?

I am watching a documentary on Youtube about serial killers. And Jeffrey Dahmer is proving to me the most disturbing of the entire lot of psychopathic mass murderers.

I sat through Albert Fish, Ed Gein, Andrei Chikatilo, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacey. All incredibly sick and demented. Their victims are many, their minds twisted beyond all reckoning. The details of their crimes are well enough known. And freaky.

But, to me, Jeffrey Dahmer is the most diabolically insane serial killer of our times.

BECAUSE, "His original intention was to create a set of zombies, living zombies with which he could have sex. So he actually did lobotomies, frontal lobotomies on his victims and poured acid into their skulls. When every one of his victims died, he went to his back up plan, and started to strangle victims under sedation."

WOW! When did he become a cannibal in all this? According to an interview with Dahmer himself, he just wanted his victims around him. If they died before reaching zombification, then eating these poor people would make them part of him forever, and ever and ever and ever...

This is so sick and shocking, I now don't trust my neighbors' kids. In Dahmer's case, neighbors remember him nailing frogs to trees and skinning cats. OKAY, that's totally normal. Did no one find this animal torture suspicious? After he was discovered as having killed and eaten many people, did his childhood neighbours finally put mutilated Frog and Cat together?

I bow down to time. I am sure it was harder to spot budding serial killers in the 70's, when I was also a kid, AND not killing and mutilating small animals. And not imagining a lobotomized army of victims as sex slaves in my future.

He wanted live in zombie sex slaves!

Psychopathic killers come in all forms. Some are forming right now, possibly inside some child in your neighborhood. One of the kids in your daughter's grade two class, on the local little league team, or selling chocolate bars door to door. Or even, much closer, like the little one in the middle room upstairs you call Jacob, or Michael, or Ethan or Andrew.

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