Saturday, March 27, 2010

Coffee Queen breaks stereotypes

If the story is true, and I hope it is, a former Colombian model may be the rare Queen in a trade ruled by Kings. Pablo Escobar, Carlos Lehder, Amado Carillo Fuentes, the most famous of the cocaine barons and all men. Ten years ago, the winner of Colombia's prestigious Queen of Coffee beauty pageant, followed by a successful modelling career, Angie Sanclemente seems to have established herself as a player in Columbia's other major trade export. Authorities believe she was the head of a traffiking scheme in which young models were turned into mules. Currently a fugitive from justice, Sanclemente is proof for enterprising, beautiful woman that you can be hot and still rise to the top of a ruthless and brutal criminal enterprise.

To be fair, a true pioneer of female entrepreneurship in the drug trade is Griselda Blanco. This Colombian born sociopath ran a successful and extremely violent business in Florida in the early 80's. Profits were huge, as was the body count.

I know which one I'd rather see seconds before my head was detached from my body.

If the once Queen of Coffee has moved into the drug trade, then she 's a living lesson to other gorgeous young women, that to play with the big boys of cocaine, you don't have to look like one.

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